Ginger: You're strong, and you make me feel safe. I want you to be on my side. But I need you to be committed... I don't need anyone that won't stick with me till the end.

Pink: If there exists any one person I can call a friend, it's Pink. She's been by my side for so long... please, stay with me just a little longer.

Purple: Still my friend? She has the nerve to keep calling herself my friend?! She's no friend of mine anymore! As far as I'm concerned, Purple died over the summer.

Navy: I don't know what he did to Purple, but I'm going to get to the bottom of it, and I'm going to make him pay. Nobody believes me but I know he hurt her. It's obvious. I just need to prove it.

Lilac: I hate her, hate hate hate that sneaky little witch. Everywhere I look there are witches and traitors! I'm going to take you out myself I'm going to---!!